The Plug in Spa Pool...
We are no longer at 7 Industry Road all consumables can now be order via phone or email - 0800 772 766
SPA INTERNATIONAL LOCKABLE COVERS $795.00 (Series two & three only)
Filters - external and Internal $71.95 inc GST
Superbly insulated spa pools.

A solid block of foam encases the entire underside, trapping heat.
Extraordinary spa pool insulation
Some higher-priced spa pools only have 30mm sprayed on insulation. But the Plug 'n Spa pool is extraordinary. A solid block of foam encases the entire underside.

The Plug 'n Spa pool fits through narrow gateways.
Poor insulation means your heating dollars can easily be triple that of a well-insulated spa pool, but "I've hardly noticed any change in the power consumption at all," says Brenda Elliot.
Fully portable spa pools
Measuring 2.0m x 1.85m x 76.5cm, the Plug 'n Spa pool is so portable it fits on a trailer and requires only two men to carry. At 76.5cm high, it easily fits through most household doorways.
Spa pool seating for a minimum of four
The Plug 'n Spa pool has seating positions in each corner - three adult seats and one shallower seat.

Seating for a minimum of four...

Or more!
More people can easily fit along the sides in between the corner positions too. The number of people is limited more by what feels personally comfortable to you.
I like the fact that it's got different levels of seats. Some are higher and some are medium depth and some are quite deep which is nice for adults and children. Also, when you get hot you can sit higher up and more of your body is out of the pool.
- Rose Vos
An unashamedly simple spa pool
Simplicity is the key to the Plug 'n Spa pool, and that's what people love most about it.
It's not fancy so we don't have to worry about anything. If you've got extra bells and whistles, there are more things to go wrong and for our purposes, we just like to sit there and relax.
- Brenda Elliot
- Simply contact our customer services team if you have any questions at all - we'd love to help!
0800 772 - 766
The Plug 'n Spa pool is unashamedly simple in design... and that's the very reason people love it.